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Technology Optimization

Software-Hardware Support Services

Information Technology expenses are the fastest growing aspect of most organization’s budgets, and yet when it comes to supplier contract terms and conditions, service levels options, and net pricing, there is a wide and deep information gap. There isn’t sufficient vendor transparency and comparable contract data to make best in class decisions. Compounding the issue are the countless pricing platforms to select from, often with “off-menu” options that are not presented or offered. There simply is no “Kelley Blue Book” available to evaluate service levels and cost structures in a clear and objective manner.

Our Technology Optimization team comes directly from the industry and understands how to navigate through the many pricing programs available to both private and public sector organizations. Our team reviews and negotiates hundreds of technology agreements per year and maintains a database of comparable contract points. Our library of proposals and agreements empower our team to pinpoint and secure expense platforms that will enable your organization to achieve its IT mission while realizing the lowest industry cost structures.

El Centro Regional Medical Center has been hit hard with COVID related challenges; both operationally and economically. ProcureAmerica stepped in and not only found desperately needed cost reduction, but also helped us with managing suppliers so that we could focus resources on our patients. Great partners show their value during challenging times!”

Alec Hendry
Assoc. Administrator of Finance
El Centro Regional Medical Center